The adventures of the next Batman continue! Batman has captured a pair of murderous fugitives, but he faces a tough decision: leave them for the Magistrate troops, which means certain death, or risk his life and fight his way through Gotham City to deliver them to the GCPD for trial. He�s there�s only one choice! And in �Outsiders,� Katana has reunited with Black Lightning, but her old friend and ally has changed...big-time! Now composed of literal black lightning, Jefferson Pierce arrives with a dire warning about Duke Thomas and his mission to liberate Gotham from the oppression of the Magistrate. They�ll have to work together-and we really mean together-to have any hope of defeating the forces working against them! Plus, in �Arkham Knights,� Astrid Arkham and her band of maniacal misfits have picked a fight with the Magistrate...and they�re not going to back down! On the eve of their mission into the heart of Gotham�s fascist occupiers, Croc, Zsasz, Phosphorus, Clayface, Harvey, and the rest steel themselves to try and shine a beacon of hope into the darkness-but not everyone will make it out alive!