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    By LGHudson
    TAKEN IN TEXAS (McKade Law # 4) is a thriller! Susan Sleeman ends this series with a BANG! Each of these books can be read as a stand-alone but needs to be read in sequential order to best understand the flow of the family and the growth of the characters. The McKade Family is unique that almost all of the family members are involved in some type of Law Enforcement. Even their Grandfather is a Retired Sheriff. Each of them has a special skill set and they usually are backing up a family member when they go on a call. This also means they know each other’s personal business - sometimes way too much! Sleeman delivers a fantastic finish to the series as she leads readers on a thriller of an adrenaline rush. Deputy Sheriff Kendall McKade makes a simple stop for a Wellness Check, meets a madman wielding a rolling pin with her name on it and is rescued by Cord Goodwin, the Lawman who broke her heart. Kendall and Cord team up to find his missing Aunt while fighting off their growing mutual attraction. Even the safest places become vulnerable against a killer intent on settling his score with Kendall. The relentless pursuit is intense and the ending will completely take you by surprise! I was provided an ARC by the author. The opinions expressed here are completely my own and without influence. I have preordered a copy of this book for my own personal library.
  • An incredible adrenaline rush romantic suspense novel!

    By Debora Wilder
    I loved this final visit to Trail’s End Ranch. It was great seeing what is going on with the main characters from the first 3 books now that their lives have settled down. I’m so happy that Kendall got her own story. She has been so helpful in the previous books. Now I know what happened that made her decide that she was going to remain single. It was also wonderful getting to know Cord and his nephew Lucas. They are dealing with so much pain and heartache. They were definitely in need of the loving McKade family coming around them to help them deal with things. The journeys that Kendall, Cord, and Lucas have to take to learn to let go of things and trust God were fantastic. I was able to learn some things along with them. The plot of the mystery was thrilling. It kept me guessing throughout the book. I had to take a few breaks to calm down because I was so caught up in it. I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. All opinions expressed are my own. Disclaimer: *Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*
