Freightliner Locomotives - Dave Smith

Freightliner Locomotives

By Dave Smith

  • Release Date: 2020-11-15
  • Genre: Transportation


Dating back to 1965, Freightliner is still going strong today; a great success for rail freight. It started life moving shipping containers from ports to inland terminals, where specialised cranes were used to tranship from rail to road. These trains serve no fewer than nineteen intermodal terminals across the UK. With the privatisation of British Rail in 1996, Freightliner's assets were transferred to a new company called Freightliner 1995 Ltd, in readiness for sale. Then in 1999 Freightliner set up the Heavyhaul side of the business as a direct competitor to the bulk rail freight company English Welsh & Scottish Railway (EWS). Today there are major maintenance depots at Crewe Basford Hall, and Leeds Midland Road, while the main marshalling yard and stabling point is at Crewe Cheshire.

With a stunning collection of full-colour photography taken around the country, Dave Smith offers up a fantastic pictorial tribute to this icon of Britain’s railways.
