Comic Cavalcade (1942-) #12 - Joye Murchison, Alfred Bester, Jon L. Blummer, John Wentworth, Gardner Fox, Harry G. Peter, Jon Kozlak, John Daly, Dennis Neville & Martin Naydel

Comic Cavalcade (1942-) #12

By Joye Murchison, Alfred Bester, Jon L. Blummer, John Wentworth, Gardner Fox, Harry G. Peter, Jon Kozlak, John Daly, Dennis Neville & Martin Naydel

  • Release Date: 2017-06-01
  • Genre: Graphic Novels


While Wonder Woman is on Paradise Island showing films of her various exploits, one renegade Amazon escapes to the Man's World. She later captures Steve Trevor and Wonder Woman, then forces the Amazon Princess to return her to Reform Island.
